
with quick, cautious steps
I walked  among the crowd.
with a bated breath
I saw strange , distorted faces
pass by pitilessly.

Lost , confused
on the brink of panic
I moved on even quicker
amidst a disturbing chaos
and a deafening cacophony.

an adrenalin onrush ; a racing heart
a spinning head and droplets of sweat
brought my steps to a halt

dark thoughts  swarmed   fast
my dazzled eyes  shut

silence at last …….
total blackout.

Happy Mother’s Day

Mother. The blessing of God in a human form. Having a mother is probably God’s greatest boon in our lives. It’s her love that makes us strong, her care that prepares us to face the world, her hands that help us overcome all the trying times of life. Yet, what do we give back to her? It’s Mother’s Day again.Happy mother’s day to all the mothers of the world.

My mom is sweet and special

Open-hearted and wonderful;

Tactful in her daily speech

Her wisdom is a course to teach .

Emblematic of devotion and sacrifice

Rare insights and sensible advice.

Void Soul

I’ m glad to get the Thursday perfect poet award

my   rosy dreams have faded

drooped , withered

and crumbled to ashes.

despondency  oozes

out of  the myriad cracks

in  my derelict  soul.

my wrinkled heart

beats listlessly ,  slowly

on the rythm of loneliness.


under  the heavy tension

and the insufferable pain

my congested brain 

becomes a real bomb

ready to go off.


I nominate Tim Keeton for the perfect poet award, he possesses  huge  poetry talents.

A rotten Heart.

my love is pure

yours is fake;

our union is at stake.

Cheating is clear in your voice

alas! seperation is the stark choice.

our dream was shattered to pieces ,

the gap between us increases .

your name will fade in memory
our love will become a sad story .

Take off your deceitful guise!
our love expired
and will never rise.

Away from me
oh !arrows of Cupid.

The scar is indelible
and my heart putrid.