Void Soul

I’ m glad to get the Thursday perfect poet award     http://jingleyanqiu.wordpress.com/2010/06/11/thursday-poets-rally-week-22-the-perfect-poet-award/

my   rosy dreams have faded

drooped , withered

and crumbled to ashes.

despondency  oozes

out of  the myriad cracks

in  my derelict  soul.

my wrinkled heart

beats listlessly ,  slowly

on the rythm of loneliness.


under  the heavy tension

and the insufferable pain

my congested brain 

becomes a real bomb

ready to go off.


I nominate Tim Keeton for the perfect poet award, he possesses  huge  poetry talents.

The City of Razzmatazz

I’m proud to get ” the perfect -poet -award” for the third time.I’d like to thank all my friends who participate in the Jingle poets’ rally ; special thanks go to whoever nominated me for this award and for Jingle ;  she invests plenty of time and efforts  in managing this rally.


A stranger in   this city

among a sea of strangers.

Hubbub  Hustle and bustle

Confusion and chaos

On streets and sidewalks.

A stranger in   this city

among a sea of strangers.

Lost , bewildered and lonely

Amongst  masses of people

Rushing , Walking to and fro.

A stranger in   this city

among a sea of strangers

Dwarfed by towering buildings

Grey concrete tentacles

That eclipse sunset , moon and stars

A stranger in   this city

Among a sea of strangers

Neon signs and billboards

Their  strong  flickering lights

Blurr my weak  eye-sight

A stranger in   this city

Among a sea of strangers

Honking Vehicules  cram

In a terrible traffic jam

The overwhelming din

Makes my head spin.

A stranger in   this city

among a sea of strangers.

Shattered dreams vaporize

And mingle with the smog

That hovers  over the city

The strange city of razzmatazz.


I nominate  Jingle  for  the award , she deserves it for the lovely poetry she’s been posting since I knew her.

The Woolgatherer

Thursday Poets’ Rally Week 9The Perfect Poet Award

http://jingleyanqiu.wordpress.com/2010/03/12/thursday-poets-rally-week-9-the-perfect-  poet-award/

When I have the blues

When  darkness falls

I  love   to stay alone

In my world of fantasy

My  abode of  ecstasy.

I love   to stay alone

Digging in my inner-self

Rummaging  my  feelings and  thoughts

Pondering my deeds  and faults.

I love    to stay alone

Fantasizing, Daydreaming.

Building  castles in the air

Castles Born of hope or  despair.

I love    to stay alone

drawing    rosy prospects

and dreams so sweet

on    bleak-looking   sheets.

I love    to stay alone

Reading Ancient myths

and tales of woe,

Reading  don Quixote

Fighting an  Invisible  foe.

I love    to stay alone

Writing about my inner self

About my feelings and thoughts.

Writing about my fantasies and dreams

About  my castles built in the air

Castles born of hope or  despair .

Writing about my personal woes

About my  fears and invisible foes .


For nomination, my vote goes to a blogger  whose poetry I  highly appreciate

